Raquel Ormella

Raquel ORMELLA, Bird Hunter (2004–2018) (Detail). Objects from the artist's collection: books, field guides, zines, stamps, paper binoculars, ceramic and paper birds, drawings; objects from SAM's ceramics collection. Dimensions variable. Exhibition view: I hope you get this: Raquel Ormella, Shepparton Art Museum, Shepparton (26)

In Bird Hunter (2004–18), Ormella displays props from several of her video works that explore human interactions with birds, alongside her collection of field guides, and bird-themed ephemera with ceramics drawn from the Shepparton Art Museum collection. The objects set up a dialogue between kitch, artistic and scientific representations of birds. The collections illustrates Ormella’s long investment in bird watching as a way to understand avian populations, environmental health and threats to the natural order. 


Melody Owen


Pamela SEE (Xue Mei-Ling)